Product range

Foaming Bath milk
Foaming Bath milk

Bathroom range

A luxurious range for pampering the body and soul.

Shower gel, Bath milk, Bath crystals, Body powder, Body butter,Detox bath crystals,  Cellulite gel, Bath fizz balls, Natural glycerin soaps.

Body Butter
Body Butter
Foot spa crystals, Foot spa gel, Foot spritzer.
Foot spa crystals, Foot spa gel, Foot spritzer.

Foot spa range

A specialized range for happy feet.

Foot spritzer, Foot spa gel, Foot spa crystals, Foot scrub, Anti-fungal nail oil.

Facial range

A range of gentle caring products.

Misting toner, Clay masque, Facial steam, Zit zapper.


Wound ointment
Wound ointment

General health care

A range for all; family, friends & self care .

Lavender gel, Mozzie off/fly spray, Anti-bacterial hand wash gel, Wound ointment, Hot stone therapy, Mineral inhaler, Mineral health booster, Body mister, Fever blister gel.

Baby range

A soothing range for babies .

Baby powder, Nappy rash ointment, Baby soothing spritzer, Baby massage oil, Waterless baby wash.

Hair, Nails & Teeth

A range for extra shine.

Hot oil hair treatment, Shampoo, Shampoo/conditioner, Anti-fungal nail oil, Nail buffer powder, Tooth brush gel, Foaming toothbrush crystals.

Pet range

A range for our furry friends.

Dog shampoo, Pet shampoo/conditioner, Flea powder, Carpet freshener, Pour on dog dip, Pet dewormer/tonic, Fly-go ointment, Tick grease, tick prevention collars.


Linen spritzer
Linen spritzer

Household range

A cleaning team of product for a fresher home.

Laundry powder, Automatic dish washing powder, Dish washing liquid, Dish washing rinse, Anti-septic counter spray, Anti-septic counter gel, Linen spritzer.

Culinary range

Delicious treats to cook with.

Herbal salts, Salt sprays, Herbal vinegar, Herbal oils.